The Technologies of the Future and How They Affect the Workplace
Technology is changing our lives in an ever-increasing speed. From smartphones to robots, we’re always connected and able to stay in contact at all times. Communication is no longer face-to-face or even through handwriting, but rather through voice assistants, text messages technologies in business and video calls.
The latest technology has enhanced the quality of our lives from generation to generation. However, there are some risks especially in the job market. Some people worry that new technology will take over jobs that are performed by humans. This might happen in some cases. We have learned from the past, however that the creation of new jobs will offset the loss of some jobs.
We are already seeing this in the workplace with advancements in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and robotics. We are also seeing the impact of drones, 5G networks, blockchains and quantum computing.
These technologies will revolutionise business processes with heightened levels of connectivity, automation, and security. Blockchains, for instance are transforming the supply chain by making it more secure and offering an irrefutable record of transactions. 5G will allow businesses to process data closer where it came from (ultra low latency), achieve data sovereignty, and increase security by reducing the transmission of data costs.
In addition, augmented reality and virtual reality are changing how we interact with digital devices and information, as well as creating immersive experiences that feel and look like real life. We are also witnessing significant advances in areas like gene editing, which may decrease the prevalence of genetic disorders like muscular dystrophy as well as cystic fibrosis.